Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Let's Celebrate: 2024 - 2025
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Term 2, Alder Class, Year 5: Design Technology - Cooking
In year 5 as part of our Design and Technology curriculum which is linked to our topic on Benin (West Africa), we explored African fruits and vegetables and researched Jollof Rice recipe, a popular West African dish. We then worked together to cook our very own Jollof Rice, which tasted delicious! It was a fun and a great way to learn about Benin’s culture and food.

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Queen's Drive
Telephone: 01793 527679
Email: admin@holycross.swindon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S Dowdeswell
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