Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Catholic Life
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Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic social teaching is rooted in Scripture, formed by the wisdom of Church leaders, and influenced by grassroots movements. It is our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith in the world.

A big thank you to Mervyn from CAFOD for visiting year 4 this term. The children of Hazel and Larch learnt about the principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and how they can live them out. It was a great opportunity for the children to talk about their own experiences of CST and it was lovely to hear how passionate the children were about it.

The 9 principles that we focus on in Holy Cross are: Human Dignity, The Common Good, Participation, Subsidiarity, Stewardship, Solidarity, Preferential Option for the Poor, Distributive Justice and Promoting Peace.

For more information, please visit cafod.org.uk
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Queen's Drive
Telephone: 01793 527679
Email: admin@holycross.swindon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S Dowdeswell
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